If you need a helping hand to watch your pet while you are away, you can seek sitting services from our team in Marietta.
Our team of skilled and caring sitters has experience watching dogs, cats, and other pets so owners can have peace of mind while out of town. Compared to boarding your dog at a kennel, sitting is much preferable, as it reduces anxiety in dogs and the risk of them catching illnesses from other animals. Sitting is often necessary, even for cats, who need to be fed and have their litter boxes cleaned. Whether you have multiple cats and dogs or also have some fish or birds who need to be looked after, you can turn to our services in Marietta.
To learn more about our pet sitters for dogs, cats, and more, call Critter Sitters now at (404) 793-6178.
The Benefits Overnight Pet Sitting Services for Dogs in Marietta, GA
When you are going away and need someone to look after your dog, you have two basic options to choose between: you can hire a sitter to visit your home, or you can board your dog at a kennel. There are numerous benefits to hiring an in-home pet sitter instead of boarding your dog while you’re gone. At the very least, kennels can be chaotic environments, and letting your dog stay home can calm any stress they have about being separated from you in the first place.
Your Dog Will Be Happier
Dogs need mental stimulation, but they are also creatures of habit. When you disrupt their normal routine and place them into an unknown environment, it can create major stress and anxiety, particularly for senior dogs or dogs with specific medical needs. Especially if you have other pets in the home, keeping them all together rather than boarding them separately at kennels is beneficial.
Your Dog Will Be Healthier
Kennels cram dozens of dogs into close quarters. Under those conditions, it’s extremely easy for viruses, bacteria, and parasites to spread from one animal to the next. Fleas are just a short cage hop away, not to mention a host of other dangerous conditions like canine distemper, canine flu, parvovirus, heartworm, and tick-borne illnesses. One is so prominent it even has the word “kennel” in its name: kennel cough, a canine respiratory infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella bronchiseptica. Keeping your dog at home can protect them from dangerous illnesses they might only come in contact with at a kennel.
Your Dog Will Get More Attention
Kennels are extremely crowded, especially during the holiday season, and there’s only so much time and energy the staff can realistically devote to your pooch. When you choose a dog sitter in Marietta instead, you ensure your pet gets pampered with one-on-one personal attention. Not only does that keep your dog happier and more engaged, but it also means any problems or emergencies get caught right away instead of going unnoticed by busy, distracted kennel employees. Our sitters can send regular updates and texts about how your dog is adjusting and call you with any concerns right away.
You (and Your Pet) Get More Bang for Your Buck
Thanks to our economical rates, the cost of hiring a dog sitter to come to your home twice per day is roughly equivalent to the cost of boarding at a kennel. For about the same price, you avoid all the risks and downsides associated with boarding and get all the benefits of welcoming an experienced sitter into your home to care for your pup.
Pet Sitters to Care for Cats in Marietta, GA
Just like dogs, cats still need people to care for them when their owners are out of town. While they may not need several walks a day, they will need their litter box cleaned, multiple meals per day, and lots of attention so they do not feel abandoned.
Even cats who are less friendly still need someone to take care of their daily needs, and our sitters can provide that. We do not take antisocial cats’ behavior personally. In fact, we welcome owners telling us details about their cats’ personalities so we are better prepared for what to expect. Not all cats want to be picked up or cuddled by people they do not know, so tell us your pet’s comfort levels.
Our sitters can come and spend time with your cat multiple times a day, at least twice. However, if you have a kitten or senior cat who needs more specialized attention, we can increase our daily visits as necessary for your comfort and your pet’s.
Unlike friends and family who may be well-meaning but are unfamiliar with caring for cats, our sitters have experience with all types of felines of different ages, breeds, dispositions, and medical histories. This can make you feel comfortable knowing your beloved cat is in reliable hands when you leave them with us.
Sitters for Households with Multiple Pets in Marietta, GA
If yours is a pet-centric household and you have other animals that need caring for, tell your sitter and they can likely accommodate you. For example, if you have fish, birds, or any exotic animals that need to be fed in your absence, let us know.
Our sitters can also handle multi-cat or dog households. Keeping all your pets together rather than boarding some while you are away is typically preferable, and we can ensure they are all cared for, safe, and happy in our care. Our rates start at $26 per visit for the first animal, with an added $4 for each extra dog and $3 for each extra cat, making it feasible for you to keep your household complete, even if you cannot be there.
Call Our Pet Sitters in Marietta, GA Today
For more information about our pet sitters for dogs, cats, and more, call Critter Sitters now at (404) 793-6178.