
How Much it Cost to Board a Dog in Georgia?

Taking good care of your dog can cost a lot of money if you do not take the time to explore all of your options. If you have to be away from home for some time, you may need to find a place to leave your dog under care while you make it back. For many people, this means finding a boarding facility. However, this doesn’t have to be your only choice.

A professional dog sitter in Georgia can be an excellent alternative to a boarding facility. The care, attention, and dedication you can receive from these professionals can surpass the services provided by a boarding facility. What is more important, hiring a professional Atlanta dog sitter can cost less than boarding.

Critter Sitters is a professional, dedicated, and skilled dog sitting company with decades of hands-on experience. We can help you take good care of your dog while you are away. To learn more about all of our services, call our offices today at (404) 793-6178.

How Much Money Does It Cost to Put My Dog in a Boarding Facility in Georgia?

No matter how much you try to avoid it, there will be times when you will have to think about letting someone else take care of your pup. It happens to all of us. A last-minute business trip, date night, or unforeseen event can prevent you from spending time with your loving buddy. For many people, taking their dogs to a boarding facility may seem like the only logical choice. However, it is essential to understand how these businesses work and how much it will ultimately cost you.

Most boarding facilities in Georgia have different pricing models. Typically, these businesses will provide you with a baseline price for your dog. This price will increase depending on your dog’s needs and how long your pup will stay at their facilities. The average cost to board your dog per day surround the $30 price range. This price does not include an overnight stay, and you will usually be charged additionally if you pick up your dog after agreed hours in your contract.

If your doggie stays overnight in a boarding facility, the price can range from $40 to $60. However, this price can easily reach the $100 mark if your dog requires unique accommodation or amenities. If your dog stays for the week, you can be looking at anywhere between $150 and $600, depending on the boarding facility and requirements for your pup. As you can see, when you add up the costs associated with a boarding facility, you may have to pay hundreds of dollars for their care.

Is there a Way to Avoid the Costs of a Boarding Facility for My Dog in Georgia?

Unfortunately, if you got the dog board facility route, you will have little to no chance of negotiating the established prices. However, this does not mean you will be out of options. There is an excellent alternative to a boarding facility to save money and get better results. Hiring a professional Alpharetta dog sitter can help you counter the high costs of keeping your furry buddy in a boarding facility.

Typically, hiring a professional dog sitter in Georgia can help you get better results for a better price. Our service rates are available here. Our pet sitting services include walking your dog, playing with them, and ensuring they have food and water available. Generally, our sitting services take up to thirty minutes per visit. You may think this may seem similar to what a boarding facility does. However, there is a significant difference.

Aside from the costs associated with sitting your dog, all of our services are performed at home. This can make a significant difference in the way your dog will spend their time while you are away. Additionally, if you need someone to stay with your loving buddy, we can do that too. At Critter Sitters, we can provide you with overnight dog sitting services, so your dog is always in good hands.

Boarding Vs. Hiring a Dog Sitter in Georgia: Which One Is Better?

Making a decision between getting your dog into a boarding facility or hiring a professional dog sitter should be taken considering your pup’s best interests. It is essential to understand your dog and see what would make more sense regarding their space and the environment they are used to living in. If you are looking to get the most bang for your buck while making sure your dog is happy, a professional dog sitter may be the right choice for you and your furry friend.

There are additional reasons why you should hire a professional dog sitter beyond better pricing than a boarding facility in Georgia. First, a professional dog sitter will provide their undivided attention to your dog. In a boarding facility, an associate will be in charge of overseeing many dogs at the same time. This can make it difficult for your pup to get the attention they need. When you hire a professional dog sitter like those at Critter Sitters, you will have peace of mind knowing a person is dedicating their time, effort, and attention to your loving friend.

If you have a puppy, adult, or senior dog in need of special care, a professional dog sitter can help. There have been many cases where a dog requires medication at a specific time. While this can be done in a boarding facility, you accept the risk of someone forgetting to administer the medication to your dog. Since a sitter will be at all times with your pup during their visit, it is easier and more effective to have them administer the medication.

Moreover, having a professional dog sitter by your doggie’s side can help them feel accompanied and secure. When you leave your dog in a boarding facility, they will be surrounded by many other dogs, putting a lot of stress on them. However, this is something that can be easily avoided by hiring a Roswell, GA professional dog sitter from Critter Sitters.

Professional Dog Sitters Providing Dog Sitting and Overnight Sitting Services

Critter Sitters provides a wide range of dog services to keep your pup happy and safe. Call our offices today, and learn how we can be your number one choice to take excellent care of your dog. Our phone number is (404) 793-6178.

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