
What is the Difference Between a Dog Watcher and a Dog Sitter?

Taking care of your dog can be one of your priorities, especially when looking for a way to leaving them in someone else’s care. Many people may feel torn between choosing a dog watcher and a dog sitter. There are key differences between these two dog service providers that can play a significant role in your overall experience.

One core difference between dog sitters and dog watchers are that dog watchers might watch your dog at another facility – and they might watch multiple dogs at once. A dog sitter, on the other hand, will come to your house to take care of your dog in the environment they’re comfortable in.

Critter Sitters is an experienced dog sitting company dedicated to providing the best, high-quality dog sitting services right in your home. We have over four decades of experience in the business, giving us an edge over all of our competitors. To learn more about our services, call our offices today at (404) 793-6178.

Is There a Difference Between a Dog Watcher and a Dog Sitter?

When you need someone to watch over your dog, it is essential to look for the right person to do the job. You may have heard the words “dog watcher” and “dog sitter.” Many people tend to use both of these words interchangeably when referring to someone who takes care of their dog when they are unable. However, there are differences between both of these terms regarding providing services to take care of your dog.

A dog watcher is a person who – as the word suggests – watches over your dog. However, this does not mean this person will only watch over your dog exclusively. You can find dog watchers mostly in dog boarding facilities. When you take your dog to one of these facilities, a boarding representative will be in charge of overseeing a group of dogs while they play and run around a designated playtime area. The dog watcher will divide their time to feed their group of dogs and provide them with water. A dog watcher is – essentially – a person dedicated to streamlining dog services to a group of pups. This can be problematic, especially if you want someone to dedicate their undivided attention to your dog.

This is where a dog sitter makes a more considerable difference. Unlike a dog watcher, dog sitters are people with the experience, skill, and dedication needed to provide your pup with the best services. A significant difference between a dog sitter and a dog watcher is the ability to take care of dogs with special needs. If your dog requires particular medication, diet, or exercise, a professional dog sitter can be essential. You can talk directly to your dog sitter and make sure they cover all of the bases needed to take good care of your dog. This may not be necessarily the case with a dog watcher.

Why Should I Hire a Professional Dog Sitter Instead of a Dog Watcher?

Now that you know the key differences between a dog sitter and a dog watcher, it is important to know why you choose one over the other. Choosing a professional dog sitter can be more beneficial for you and your dog, both short-term and long-term. There is a misconception that dog watchers in boarding facilities are the only option when you need someone to look over your loving pup.

However, hiring a professional dog sitter can be the best option for you and your loving buddy. One of the reasons to hire a professional fog sitter over a dog watcher is the personalized treatment your pup will get at all times during their sitting session. Typically, dog walking services can take thirty minutes. During this time, your sitter is the only person taking care of your dog. Anything your dog needs during their walk will be taken care of by your dog sitter.

It is possible you want someone to stay with your pet overnight. A professional dog sitter can also be an excellent choice for you. If you take your dog over to a dog watcher, they will likely put your dog in a kennel and call it a night. However, an overnight dog sitter can provide their services to your pup over the course of the night and ensure they are nice and cozy in their safe space, which is home.

Another reason to hire a professional dog sitter over a dog watcher is your peace of mind. The last thing you want is to get a dog watcher to provide you with a service that may make you feel worried or uncertain about your dog’s well-being. A professional dog sitter can provide you with excellent services that can help you feel comfortable and peaceful.

What Should You Look for in a Professional Dog Sitter?

While knowing that hiring a professional dog sitter may be better for you and your dog, it is also critical to choose the right dog sitter. Not all dog sitters are alike, and there are several elements to watch for when selecting your dog sitter. Some of the things to look for include the following:


Experience is one of the most important aspects of being a professional dog sitter. Taking good care of a dog requires a lot of experience, especially learning about the different dog breeds and how to handle them. Experience can also allow your dog sitter to be aware of your dog’s behavior and notice if there is anything going on with their health. Experience can be the most important overall trait to have as a dog sitter.


A skilled dog sitter can go a long way when providing their services. A skilled, resourceful dog sitter should have the necessary skills to make sure your dog is well and under good care at all times. At Critter Sitters, all of our dog sitters have the required skill sets to provide nothing but high-quality dog sitting services.


Dog sitting requires dedication. Not only dedication towards the craft of dog walking, but dedication to become the best dog walker possible. We understand that your dog is part of your family and a critical friend. All of our dog sitters have the required dedication to provide services that are good for your pup and your peace of mind.

Professional Dog Sitting Company Providing High-Quality Services

Taking good care of your loving buddy is something to be taken seriously. We know and understand the love you feel for your furry buddy, which is why we strive to provide you and your pup with the high-quality services you need. Call Critter Sitters today and see why we can be your number one choice for your dog sitting services. Our phone number is (404) 793-6178.

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