
Where Do Service Dogs Go to the Bathroom in Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport?

If you live in Georgia and near the Atlanta area, chances are you are using Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. If you are taking your service dog with you at any moment through this airport, it is essential to know their designated release areas so your pup can do their business.

Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport has designated areas to take Fido do their business. You can take your service dog to any of the pre- and post-security dog release areas, or their 1,000 square-foot park. As you will learn through this article, it is essential to take your dog to pee and poop several times a day. This cannot be easy to achieve if you are in an airport without the accommodation required for your pup. Fortunately, you can take your dog for their release time at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport as they have designated areas to take your dog to do their business.

Our team of professional dog sitters at Critter Sitters have decades of experience providing high-quality dog sitting services in Atlanta. We can help you take care of your pup if you are unable. To learn more about all of our services, call our offices today at (404) 793-6178.

Are there Places to Take My Service Dog to the Bathroom in Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport?

Dogs need to “do their business” just as we do. It is imperative to keep track of the amount of time your pup goes to the bathroom. This is important for two main reasons. First, you are making sure they are not stressed, and second, you are keeping their health in check. If they spend many hours without going to the bathroom over time, they may develop health issues. This can be problematic for dog parents who constantly travel with their service dogs.

If you are traveling through Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, you may want to know if there are designated areas to take your service dog to the bathroom. Fortunately, this airport has designated release areas and more. Currently, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport has pre and post-security dog release areas where you can take your dog to do their business.

Additionally, the airport has a 1,000 square-foot dog park where you can take your pup to stretch and play. This can be really helpful for your dog as it allows them to shed some of the stress associated with all the noise and people around them through the pre and post-security process. You no longer have to feel stressed over trying to find a place to take your pup to the bathroom while at the airport.

How Long Can a Service Dog Hold Without Going to the Bathroom?

If you have your service dog with you in Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, it is important to understand how much time they can hold without going to the bathroom. Many variables may come into play when calculating the adequate amount of time to take your service dog to do their business.

One of the most important caveats to consider is your service dog’s age. Younger, untrained service dogs may not have the experience to understand when it is time to go to the bathroom. Therefore, they may not be able to hold their need to go to the bathroom for too long. Conversely, adult dogs with more experience can go for several hours without going to the bathroom. This does not mean you should not keep an eye out for the amount of time that has elapsed from the last time they went to do their business.

Another variable to consider is your service dog’s health. There are several conditions. That may contribute to your dog’s frequent urination. For instance, if your dog has difficulties with its kidneys, it may need to go to the bathroom more frequently than a pup without this condition. If you are unsure about how often you should take your pup to the bathroom, make sure to contact your veterinary.

Your service dog’s diet may also contribute to the number of times your pup may need to go to the bathroom throughout the day. For example, if you feed moist food to your dog, it may make them go to the bathroom more frequently.

Keeping close attention to these and other variables can help you streamline and schedule your stops to let your dog pee or poop. This is especially important if you are with your dog in a public, busy place like Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.

What Would Happen if You Do Not Take Your Service Dog to the Bathroom?

As we mentioned, not taking your dog to the bathroom when needed can cause difficulties for your dog. However, we want to be more specific about the potential risks and dangers to your service dog’s health, so that you can take care of their needs.  Taking your dog to pee and poop frequently throughout the day can help prevent issues such as the following:

Urinary Tract Infections

Dogs flush out bacteria through urine. This means that taking your service dog to a release area at least three times a day can help them get rid of bacteria that could be harmful if it stays in the bladder for too long. If you are not consistent with your service dog’s bathroom routine, they could develop life-threatening conditions such as crystal formation, kidney stones, and other blockages that could put your dog’s life in danger.


Incontinence is something that can commonly happen to older, senior dogs. However, this does not mean this cannot happen to younger pups. If your dog has gone holding their needs to go to the bathroom for extended periods over many years, they may develop incontinence due to bladder distention. It is essential to make sure you pay close attention to these details, especially when taking them with you to the airport.


One important fact to consider is that urine may contain carcinogens that need to be flushed out to prevent cancer development. While this is not a common occurrence, it is important to keep a lookout for its possibility.

Professional Dog Sitting Company Providing High-Quality Dog Services

If you are often traveling with your service dog, it is important to understand and plan their bathroom breaks. If you need someone to take care of your pup while you travel, call our professional Buckhead, GA dog sitters at Critter Sitters if you cannot. Our phone number is (404) 793-6178.

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