Sometimes life presents unexpected events that require pet owners to leave their homes and pets behind for a time. When certain obligations keep you from being able to stay home to take care of your pet, Columbus, GA dog sitting company Critter Sitters will be there to give your pet the attention, affection, love, and care they need. The pet sitters that work for Critter Sitters are renowned for their availability, dependability, and dedication to the well-being of dogs all over the Atlanta area.
To request more information on how Critter Sitters can give your dog all the care he or she needs when you are unable to, get in touch with us as soon as possible. Call (404) 793-6178 to speak with a pet sitter from Critter Sitters today.
Dog Sitting Service for Columbus, Georgia Dog Owners
Critter Sitters offers two main types of services: dog walking and pet sitting. Dog walking services are recommended for people who are away from home for 10 to 12 hours at a time. When you request dog walking services, a pet sitter from Critter Sitters will come to your home to walk your dog, giving them a chance to stretch their legs and interact with the world. Most dog walking services are used during the day, while pet owners are at work.
Dogs are typically walked once per day, but puppies are often walked more frequently. Our service rates are available here. Dog walking does not include “out-of-town” services such as bringing in mail or watering plants.
Pet sitting services are recommended for people who spend long periods of time away from home. During a pet sitting visit, a pet sitter will not only walk your dog but also feed them, give them their medication, and clean the area where they spend time.
Pet sitters will also perform “out-of-town” services, which include turning lights on and off, watering plants, picking up the mail, and taking out the trash.
How In-Home Pet Sitting Benefits Your Dog
There are many reasons why in-home pet sitting is likely the best option for both you and your dog. Firstly, keeping your dog in your home while they are cared for is the best thing you can do for your dog’s emotional health and well-being. Being taken out of their home and transported to an unfamiliar place can cause some dogs to feel anxious, especially when their normal daily routine is disrupted and they are forced to interact with strangers. And while this is true for many dogs, it is especially true for dogs that struggle with disabilities, sensitivities, health issues, or old age.
In-home pet sitting is also the best option for many dogs because it allows them to receive an unrivaled amount of care and attention. When you use an in-home pet sitting service from Critter Sitters, a sitter will come to your home to give attention and love your dogs and your dogs only. It’s what your dog needs and deserves.
Using an in-home pet service is also a great option for many pet owners because of how convenient it is. Pet owners who use in-home pet sitting services appreciate the ease of simply leaving home and having a pet sitter to come to them; there is no need to drop their pet off somewhere or pick them up later.
Another reason that in-home pet sitting is a great option for an owner is that you will be able to relax knowing your home will be watched over. When pet sitters visit your home, they will bring in the mail and remove any other outward signs that you are out of town, which will reduce the chance of intrusion or vandalism. If there are any emergencies or mishaps, a pet sitter can let you know right away.
Why You Should Use Dog Sitting Services
Critter Sitters is proud to offer a solution to all your dog sitting needs. Critter Sitters has a long history of providing excellent care to dogs and other types of pets. Some of the reasons that Critter Sitters is the best choice for an in-home dog sitter are:
- Flexibility – Critter Sitters are available whenever you need them. If you have an obligation that arises at the last minute that will leave you unable to walk your dog, just let Critter Sitters know and someone will come to your home to care for your pet right away.
- Communication – The people at Critter Sitters will keep you updated on your pet while you are away with frequent texts, notes, and phone calls, so you don’t ever have to worry.
- Dedication – Critter Sitters knows how important your dog is to you. We will do anything and everything possible to give your dog the care he or she needs.
Columbus, GA Dog Sitting Service
If you’re ready to make an appointment with Critter Sitters, get in touch with us today to discuss your options. Our pet sitters pride themselves on their ability to provide excellent care to dogs and other pets across the Atlanta area. Call Critter Sitters, the Columbus dog sitting service, today at (404) 793-6178.